In 2019 archaeologists announced they’d found a 1000-year-old pouch made from three fox snouts.

It contained compounds of Ayahuasca, among other things.

I can’t help thinking about these foxes. Out on a limb, AND sticking their neck out, AND taking a shot in the dark… all at the same trippy cultural moment.

You see, Fox is me, exploring Whole-Voiced abundance with a focus and determination I’ve never been possessed by before. It’s weird, I tell ya.


… going for the CBD more just to counteract all the adrenaline of creation…

… next cycle, a little Caffeine here, a little Azelastine there, for the energy oxygen provides…

… oh, and such pura vida last month! well-hydrated hankering for an Alcohol-and-Exercise endorphin combo more than once…

A friend offered Psilocybin the other day. I wanna steep it in Double Honey for a few months (legacy from another friend), to help it vibe with my creative output this summer.

Sugar: Dubious.

Sandalwood: Definitive.

Did I mention Fear?

Jennifer Elinora Grossi

I'm a deeply languaged, hypercurious musician / mother / human animal who tried for so long to not be any of these things— or sometimes to simplify into one alone, and not be the rest. Now through project jelinora, I'm sharing my Whole Voice for the first time.

maybe not sorry


wherein I Swank